UN day 2013

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As I am a new student this year, I have never celebrated “UN Day” before. Just days before the event, all the tutor groups had been doing their best to prepare for UN Day. This was easier said than done, for each tutor group had to complete a door display, a “talking heads” video and a brief presentation to be shown during the assembly.

On UN Day itself, I arrived in school bright and early. As I walked through the corridors, I gazed in awe at the dazzling, creative and meaningful door designs, each unique in their own way. Some students were still adding the finishing touches onto their displays, not wasting a second before the door displays were judged.UNDay1

About half an hour later, we lined up, and down to the atrium we went! We students chatted and laughed among ourselves while we waited for the assembly to start. Only the Key Stage 3 students (Years 7, 8 &9) were gathered there, while the Key Stage 4 & 5 students assembled at the library. I observed the breathtakingly magnificent and elaborate costumes worn by sporting student s. They were vibrant and lively, ranging from cowboy hats to shower caps! Some even stuck miniature flags on their faces! The teachers were equally outstanding, with some wearing beautiful traditional costumes.

Fortunately, we did not have to wait long. Mrs Carolyn took the microphone, and the assembly began! First, the student representatives from all the respective Year 7, 8 and 9 classes took centre stage, to present their videos and performances! There were laughs, smiles and thunderous applause from the delighted audience.

After all the performances had ended, Mr Alan gave a short speech on his opinions and experiences working under the United Nations programme. The assembly ended with a video presentation from him.

At lunchtime, the atrium was the busiest I’ve ever seen it, with students milling about, buying, selling, eating and advertising. I was involved in this event too, and my job was to sell chocolate muffins. To my delight, they sold like, uh, hotcakes. 😉

UNDay2Food, glorious food! There were ample choices, including pasta, drinks, and sandwiches and so on. I’m sure we all ate till our stomachs nearly burst! Finally, it was time to pack away and return to our lessons.

But, despite the fun events of the day, I’m sure we all remember that the objective of UN Day is not for celebrations, but also to remember that there really are millions suffering out there. Let’s always be aware of our global situation, and always do anything in our power to help the unfortunate!

7 thoughts on “UN day 2013

    tehtriforce said:
    November 14, 2013 at 7:33 am

    UN Day sure was fun. Hope more great stuff like this happens throught out the year! 🙂

    steffysky said:
    November 14, 2013 at 7:35 am

    Nice pictures!!!

      tehtriforce said:
      November 14, 2013 at 3:37 pm

      Agreed! These are such good pics!

        steffysky said:
        November 14, 2013 at 3:38 pm

        You can stop now “tetriforce”

    torisoh responded:
    November 14, 2013 at 3:44 pm

    Best UN Day ever 😀

      tehtriforce said:
      November 14, 2013 at 3:49 pm

      Wasn’t this your first UN day? :/

      steffysky said:
      November 14, 2013 at 3:55 pm

      uhhh you FIRST UN day

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