Report- Leadership Workshop

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On the 11 October 2013 – Friday, Tenby International School organized a workshop for a few students to attend in KL which was led by our confident, dedicated and caring teacher Ms Carolyn. It has been a great experience for students to be present in this workshop and go back to our schools with inspirations that are out of the box about the possibilities in our daily life and environment around us. We thank all of those whom made this course a reality.


Tenby Setia Eco Park

Tenby Schools Setia Eco Park is the first purpose build school that extends about 871200 square foot. This school aims to give students the personal qualities and knowledge so that they can confidently take on the challenges that they will face in the outside world. Furthermore, the school aims to educated the students with the core values which is a united world at peace through education.


Detail of Event

As you all know leaders wield the power that comes with responsibilities. In order to give students the skills that leaders have, a few students were choosen to attend a leadership workshop in Kuala Lumpur.  One of its purpose was to teach students to become true leaders, leaders that are able to deal with situation that seem impossible.

One of the most painful, memories that stalks like a ghost in the night would be the timing. Eventhough I am not much of a morning mouse, I still have trouble waking up this time.

Regardless of the time, I am sure everything went quite well. As the plane began to descend, the clouds broke and the sun shone like a spotlight on the city. The rows of buildings seemed to sparkle from the rain, and a beautiful rainbow framed the whole scene. It was as though the city was welcoming us with a dramatic entrance. When we landed, our alert and outstanding teacher did not waste a moment and quickly found the van that would take us to the school. Finally, we reached the school, it was so large and majestic that we couldn’t take our eyes of it.

Since, we reached the school early, we decided to have a tour around while waiting for the other students to arrive. We saw many excellent pieces of art work, decorations, facilities … etc As soon as we were done admiring the school we went to the hall where the course would take place.

There were two professional consultants who were going to give us a lecture on leadership skills. They allocated us into different groups of 4 or 5. There we were thought the skills to lead such as- motivation, communication, having believes, knowing your place, importance of listening, open minded, committed to excellence, imaginative, confident, fair and enthusiastic.

During the workshop, we were asked to participate in a few activities that help us build leadership skills. Furthermore, we had to learn how to extract and analyze different aspects of information from the text and videos. Moreover, we had to explain and describe quotes that were used by great leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi … (It has always been a mystery to me how men can feel honoured by the humiliation of their fellow beings/ There is a sufficiency in the world for men’s need but not for men’s greed.) We were also asked to write our opinion on freedom, peace, equality and environment. Finally, we had to reflect on the hold picture of the days learning. There was a photo session just after the ending of the course where we all we given certificated to all student.



In my faithful opinion I believe that it is teamwork that remains to be the ultimate success in schools, universities, colleges and companies. Afterall there is a saying,”two brains ia better than one”.  The fact lies the same that we humans are not as perfect as we can be and are always destined to do wrongs. 

One thought on “Report- Leadership Workshop

    tehtriforce said:
    February 13, 2014 at 7:05 pm

    Looking foward to everyone being able to see the site! Lets do our best, people! 😀

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