Cross Stitch Club

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Cross Stitch
Cross Stitch

Most people think that cross stitch is a dead art. It is because one is not allowed to make any mistakes otherwise one has to cut all the stitching out, fix the mistake, and start again from that point. In fact, there are many dying arts that are coming back to life nowadays. Cross stitch is one of them.

Our school Cross Stitch Club was held on every Thursday afternoon from 2.40 pm until 4.00 pm. So far there were only female students who joined the Cross Stitch Club.

Students feel happy because they learned a lot of things in the club. They are proud with their hand-made products. Normally it will take about a year to finish stitching a picture.

Those who are patient are able to learn how to stitch in a short period of time. There are mainly 4 methods:

a) Select the material

It is mostly done on a type of material known as Aida cloth. It is easiest to start on an Aida cloth that uses an 11 or 14 stitch count, as this provides larger spaces for your cross stitch.

b) Select the type of thread

Each skein of embroidery floss comes in six threads, but only 1-3 will be used for cross stitch at a time.

 c) Choose a pattern

Choose a pattern from a booklet or online, and gather embroidery floss in colors to match. As a beginner, it may be best to start with a simple cross stitch. Find a pattern that is small and doesn’t involve too many details and uses a total of 3-7 colors only.

d) Get an embroidery hoop.

This is a double ring made of plastic, metal, or wood that secures the cross stitch.

Reported by:

Ms Junie Ohng

(Teacher Advisor).

One thought on “Cross Stitch Club

    edekramer said:
    June 24, 2014 at 8:35 pm

    Hi, I think your blog is amazing. Would you mind following mine, just to help me get started? I started recently and I’m slowly getting there!

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