Year 10S 2015-16

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TIS Blackboard 10S
There’s a point in life where every youth is forced to ask ‘is school the joy of one’s life?’ And yet the depth of this statement is not about school but instead the friends you can make that will determine the life as a student. As a class, we ought to make friends, and today that friendship is the fundamental bonds of our life as students. I’m proud to be part of such a loving class and honoured to strive through the impediments of our life side by side with them. Everyday, we spend time together knowing that above all out intellectual abilities our class represents the importance of friendship more than anything else and therefore our form class never fail to acknowledge that. Consequently, here we are united with our petty differences as a class, chiseling our way to the pinnacle of success and augmenting our strength together.

What a fine class. Day by day, we grow in the shadows of our mentor, Mr. Baz. If there is but one teaching to remember about Mr. Baz is that he values the strength of acceptance of our very different personalities. Also, the best part of year 10S is that we get to witness the moments of our growth to become great people in the future. That is what drives us and that is why I’m proud of being part of this class. I understand that this was meant to be a description of who we are as a class but whatever I wrote above represents more than that, it represents who we will be as a class in a very prestigious school and as a family in the outside world. From childhood to old age, this would be the moments we cherish the most in life. As a result being part of 10S has shown me not to fear taking the first leap out of my comfort zone, out of our childhood as I know my peers of 10T will be by my side the hold time and my tutor Mr. Baz will bring about as much motivation needed to drive us into this obscure world.

My fellow readers, what it means to be part of 10S. We 10S are a blaring lot. Our form tutors are the best. Today, I will take the opportunity to express my thoughts on my class and to say a jovial thank you to my form tutors and my faithful mates for their perpetual zest that beings out the joy of school life. Friendship is indeed the hardest thing in the world to explain!

By Ananth Acharya

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