Year 11I 2015-16

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TIS Blackboard 11IHere I am now, finally a part of my new class, Year111. Although it has already been 5 months, I still remember the first day I transferred to this school as if though it was just yesterday. During my first day here, the moment I walked into the classroom, I was filled with a sense of warmth as everyone welcomed me with open arms, including my form tutor Mr. Adrian. Thinking back now, Mr. Adrian was a splendid help towards me as he made sure I had my timetable sorted out and even asked a student to assist me for a whole week to ensure I didn’t get lost or if I needed any help.

As the days went on, I realised I started to create bonds and memories with my classmates. I started talking and hanging out with a group of people, which led to a wider range of social circles. I truly enjoyed everyone’s company as everyone was different in their own way. To be honest, I’m pretty sure everyone enjoys their recess time. It’s one of the only times when we can just sit back and chill with our friends from different classes, especially with the food to keep us company.

Being the new student, people tend to ask me whether I enjoyed my tutor class. No matter how many times people would ask me that, I would always without a doubt answer yes, I do enjoy my tutor class. I like how before tutor time, our class teacher would play really modernised music and everyone would just sit back and relax. Moreover, I also like how our class’s teamwork is exceptionally good. Whenever a situation arises, everyone would work together to solve it.

I’ve come to a conclusion that all of the classes were different in their own spectacular way. I believe the Year11s this year are like family as everyone mixes and blends well with each other. I am absolutely thankful that I was put into Year111 as without a doubt, this is the class for me.

Written by: Nicole Lee Y11I


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