Year 7I 2015-16

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TIS Blackboard 7IIn the eyes of any Tenby Tiger, 7I is a unique class. Its students have a mix of different personalities and traits that are really special. They can make anyone laugh at the drop of a hat.

Don’t believe me? I’ll give you an example, on the 11th of April, class 7I did a presentation on the topic “Pet Day” during the assembly. All of the students in 7I  took part in this and presented us with a very entertaining presentation. They told us a lot of information about how to take care and bond with our pets. They also added a few humorous scenes that really made the audience chuckle and smile, which showed the humour of the students in 7I.

Class 7I are also very kind. When a new student transferred to this school, they helped her and accustomed her to the school. And I really think that kindness and the heart to help others is important in our school and our society. I really want to thank 7I for helping our school with their kindness and humour.

Written By: Yeoh Shea Lyn

Edited by: Lau Wayne Yee

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