Carmina Burana

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On Sunday 8th May 2016, after months and months of hard work, the ‘Tenby in Harmony’ choir (consisting of staff and students from the five Tenby Schools across Malaysia, and led and conducted by the fantastic Mr Andrew Auster), finally came together to give a mind blowing performance of the epic Carmina Burana by Carl Orff.

The performance took place at the magnificent Dewan Filharmonik Petronas, Kuala Lumpur, and included from Tenby Schools Penang, Dakota Loh, Belinda Teoh, Lim Hwa Ming, Ricardo Pua, Vishal Chopra, Mr Tsaanneng, and Mr Nick, who all sung their hearts out!

The performance was a fantastic success and an unforgettable experience to all those who took part!

Video of the performance (1 hour 10 minutes):


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