An Interview With … Miss Liz

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Miss Elizabeth Cloke

Miss Elizabeth Cloke is the new Head Of Tenby International Secondary, Penang.

Some of our Yearbook team members (Rahaul, Antonia and Kate) interviewed her recently.


Q: What do you like about Tenby so far?

A: The staff & students have made me feel very welcome at Tenby Penang!


Q: What would be your addition to the canteen?

A: Vegetarian sausages and mash


Q: If there was a dragon/zombie invasion, what would you do?

A: Open the gates and tell everyone to run to the beach/hills.


Q: What would you change about the school?

A: Build a big auditorium for school plays/ indoor basketball court/ football field with athletics track.


Q: What is your view on the different activities throughout the school?

A: The vast opportunities for the students of all ages is mind blowing!


Q: Do you know the game heads down thumbs up?

A: Yes, but I’m not very passionate about it.


Q:Any paranormal experiences?

A: Yes, I was once sleeping, and I heard a loud bang under my bed I looked and there was nothing there but I was certain there was a ghost!!

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