
Aku Negaraku

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Here is a cover version of the song “Aku Negaraku” by our students from TISS  and STSS. They had worked hard over 2 months of planning, took 4 weeks (even during the summer holidays) to record, mix, produce, film, edit and render the video. All recording and producing were done by themselves and we are blown away by the professional quality of the video. Enjoy the video!


Merdeka/Malaysia Day Celebration 2017

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This was a whole school event led by STSS on 20th September 2017.

It was a coming together of the whole Tenby community to celebrate Merdeka and Malaysia Day 2017.

The theme “NegaraKu, Sehati, Sejiwa” (My Country, One Heart, One Soul) was reflected in the multiracial Tenby Community that celebrated the event together as one. The long but peaceful journey to independence was shown in video clips.

Then cover version of the official song “Aku Negaraku” to be sung in assemblies was screened. It was a product of creative collaboration between STSS and TISS students. STPS made a very engaging presentation on
the event.

The feedback from staff and students was, ‘Great job, amazing video production…feelings of patriotism, meaningful message on merdeka.’


Key Stage 3 Art Exhibition

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UN Day 2015

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UN Day was a huge success at Tenby this week with students from all schools coming together to celebrate the cultures of countries in the UN. Each tutor group represented a country, decorated their classroom door, dressed up in traditional dress and provided food from their country. Lots of food was consumed and money was raised for UN based charities.

Student Achievements – September 2015

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Mr Paul Walton Head Of Secondary, TISS

Our students have made a fantastic start to the year with lots of students getting involved in many activities inside and outside the classroom.

In our assembly on Monday we had the national school lead the assembly and also had students receive medals presented by Mr Ben. We encourage our students to take on organizing and presenting at school as this can build confidence and they gain vital skills which can help them at school and in the future.

We have been delighted with the quality of the presentations, assemblies and videos our students have created so far. They Mr Paul Walton, Haed Of Secondary, TISSreally have risen to the challenge of student-led activities and we are excited to see what ideas they come up with next.

We always celebrate success here in the International school and we had reason to be very happy with our students as 4 students excelled at a recent karate competition.

2015-09-15(2)Cavan Chong, Bryan Lee, Wen Lynn Lee and Jian Yu Tan were all recognized by the school for their performances in this event.

I look forward to more students getting involved in competitions, clubs and events this term as it’s a great way to build teamwork skills and a also a way to meet new people.

Also announced at the assembly was our charity work which has started with a challenge competition ran by our students. This week the students have been nominating staff to sing in front of the school. We hope to raise money and continue to build our caring and giving school spirit when it comes to others who are less fortunate than us.

Mr Paul Walton
Head of Secondary, TISS

Horizons Week Singapore 2015

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Bonding Day Tahan

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Year 11 Graduation Ceremony 2015

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Year 7 Taiping Zoo Visit

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Photography by Rahaul Goh, 7T.


Year 7 Visit – Floating Mosque

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Sweets Day 2015

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Sports Day 2015

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Sports Day 2015

Perfect throws,  great saves, sore legs- what a day! It was not the usual day, it was Sports Day. Despite the darkened sky early in the morning, Tenby’s fighting spirit did not waver-it just gets stronger and stronger!

The day started off with the warm ups of the teams in different areas around school. Then, everybody went their own way, heading to the sport they were involved in. Main events started for the KS3 students straight after warm-up with football, basketball, cricket and netball. The competition was fierce, making every point matter. Spectators gathered for each sport, cheering for their team players or commenting on who was to win. At the same time, Tenby Dash relay participants waited anxiously for the baton at the starting line.

After KS3’s main events were over, it was KS4 students’ turn to participate in the main events and the relay. Later, the mini games stations received quite a number of participants-that 1 point you earn may make a huge difference! The games include bean bag throwing, sack race, egg and spoon race.

Just after the main events ended, a game of dodgeball was held in the sports hall. Anybody was welcomed to join- in matter of minutes the hall was full of students in blue, yellow, green and red. It was a ‘friendly’ match (no points were counted), yet everybody attacked with full force-it was a storm of plastic balls!

Last but not least-the Tug of War! It was incredible that the participants were capable of showing such strength, given that the matches were held under the scorching sun in the football field, after all the sporting events some were involved in, too. Many came to watch, as every house put up a good fight no matter who they were against. Some spectators even formed a line (under the heat) to cheer for their house.

When the crowd started to move towards the atrium area, a sense of excitement and tension started to build up- yes, you guessed it- time to announce the winners! Jerai came first, followed by Kinabalu, Tahan and Ledang. Well done, Jerai!

For this annual event to run smoothly this year, many people deserve some appreciation for their contribution and time. A big thank you to everybody who showed great effort and spirit, teachers who supervised the events, the members of TISPA who sold refreshments throughout the day, the ICT team for updating people on the scores and Mr Nick for the upbeat soundtrack.

To wrap the day’s events up, there was a teacher-sponging activity. Some witnessed a cheerful sight of Mr Ben and students throwing sponge full of water at each other. Overall, Sports Day 2015 was a success.

By Khoo Xin Hui 9S

Chinese New Year 2015

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The date of Chinese New Year varies every year according to the Chinese lunar calendar but it will always fall somewhere between the 21st January and the 20th February. IN 2015, Chinese New Year is on the 19th February and marks the beginning of the Year of goat. Tenby School Penang teachers helped students and staff ring in the Year of the Goat with many Chinese cultural activities. On Feb. 19, the cafeteria served a special menu for the Chinese New Year and students had the pleasure of sampling the fare.

The decorations used on doors and windows are red-colored paper-cuts (made similar to the way we make snowflakes). The themes of these paper-cuts are of happiness, good fortune, longevity and wealth. THE STAGE WAS WELL-SET WITH THE AUDIENCE PUMPED UP WITH ZEST. The colour red was used as a symbol of good luck… it was wrapped around the pillars in a gentle crisp, yellow carpet the stage, the banners and the glittering. At the very epicentre of it lay several spear-headed pillars for the stunts to be performed by the lion dance.

The assembly began with a very repulsed ‘crash’ by the lion dance crew. They did all sorts of stunts, staggering across the floor, twisting around, dodging pillars and manoeuvring through the school campus, lurking in the bushes and trampling tangerines. The audience were left bewildered and speechless, contemplating the fast-pace, action-packed depiction of a lion doing terrific stunts. Some were even left captivated beyond words. The rhythm smouldering the air with its loud ‘boom’ and double strokes on the drums with staccato melodic poised.

This year Children participated in a handful of activities such as melancholic choir, nostalgic poem recital, apologetic pantomime and graceful dances. The best part of the New Year was that the students did not wear their regular uniforms to school. Instead, they put on colourful, traditional dresses. They were treated with sweets. The whole assembly was organised and carried out by students and teacher. Jovial thanks to all.

Thanks to the teachers for organizing the activities. The excitement and enjoyment of the students made every teacher of the wing glorify. Lessons were back to normal and the second half of the day.


UN Day 2014-15

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Un Day 6Every school should hold festivals for the benefits of students. The school festivals have their own utility. They keep family atmosphere in schools. They make school life more suitable to students. When the students assemble to celebrate the festival, they learn how to conduct meetings and how to speak before the gathering. One of the most anxiously awaited occasions in any school is its UN Day. Great excitement and hurried activities are visible all around. The prize-winners and those who are participating in the cultural programme to be presented on that day are especially elated. Even those who are not actively involved are excited to have a study-free day in school, filled with fun, frolic and amusement.
October 2014: The staffs, students and parents of Tenby School Penang gathered to celebrate United Nation day. To commemorate the sovereignty of our nation, we held an assembly o express world democracy and sang in unison with the national anthem and express our joy of freedom. On this auspicious day, there were waves of magic wands over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.
Un Day 7
To start with, the principal, Mr. Richard delivers a speech, in which he first gives the details of the highlights of that day. Firstly, students had to redesign a flag of any nation involved in the UN peacekeeping organization and prepare a set of cultural activities associated with that countries prior trademark. Last but not least, each class had to organize a food sale mainly for the prior school students.  Overall, I have to say it was a successful event.

Un Day 8To keep alive the flames of peace, prosperity and freedom, students from Tenby National School performed a Brazilian-style-improvised-version dressed with yellow jerseys and a bandana around their forehead. Our mini-restaurants were often frequented with ever increasing shoppers. Senior students were mithering around, ’Can I help you?’ Crowded corridors and adjacent pathways where endless number of people seemed loitering around, poise along the walkway, munching on sumptuous food. 3 hours later, he place was no longer dynamic and interesting; it was now barren and prosaic, as even the imperturbable kids had been driven away by the leftover residue of bread crump and other non-consumable food source. Then once again the silence was broken; this time by a booming sound. An amplify voice has scattered across the school campus claiming that the celebration is officially close.  Tomorrow was back to normal.

The atmosphere was pumped up with zest and yes, it was us, the students;. Teachers and parents that made this day a reality and therefore credited to the fullest trench. Nevertheless, to make such an event come true is no trifling tricks; it requires teamwork, effort and precision. In accordance to our principal, such reliability, self-initiative and self-proactive to contribute cannot go unconditioned.

The United Nations General Assembly designates a number of “International Days” to mark important aspects of human life and history. 24th October is one of those fundamental days that highlights the UN DAY devotion to mankind.

Un Day 9

Bonding Day Ledang

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Bonding Day Kinabalu

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It was a superb day, thanks to the help of the 6th form students and the teachers. Our annual Bonding day was held on Friday 17th November 2014. Overall it was a successful day. The students enthusiastically cheered on their respected – houses and friends. Basically, this day gives students the opportunity to bond and get to know each other better. It also provides them with the skills needed to cope, focus and interact as they enter a new phase of life. The teachers however are a complete different case… let’s put it this way, if students need real life experience to be better individuals, try imagining teachers all year in class without a chance at a hands-on experience.

As morning drops by, the sky with its rays eluded an aura that seemed to develop a sense of tranquillity.  The skies were of deep blue and occasional white patches drifted across. Students gathered in their respective groups, a slightly nervous suspense built slowly. We headed for a bus bound for the Youth Park… and started the so-called team building activities. Students as we know it like to win through persistence and yes, their effort did paid off. To be honest, the activities set up by our jolly seniors were seemingly good ice breaker and did fulfil the criteria of bonding day by tying the knots with newcomers and building stronger ties with members you already know rather than taking it for granted.

In what is often known as Chinese Whispers, students have to sit in a line and have an adult or leader not participating in the game tell the first child at one end of the line a word or a message. The objective of the game, to communicate this word or message by whispering it to the child next to them and so on up through the line. The last child at the end of the line must then state out aloud what the word or message was. Children often enjoy the humour of how a word or message can be changed due to miscommunication.

Next up, were some fun activities… football, captain’s ball, Ultimate Frisbee and etc. The grassland looked like a green ocean. I could feel the softness of it like touching a blanket. I closed my eyes and took a long, deep breath. Fresh air tasted like mint went into my nose and filled my lungs. Gardeners grew trees and shrubs along the path. Thoroughly exhausted, the trail brought us to a harmonious resting place. Alongside the tortuous trail, the street lamp suddenly snubbed out. Glancing at the sky, the sun has already risen. An empty, wooden bench and the cafeteria came into sight… it seemed to be break time!

Subsequently, we proceeded back to the bus that took us to ‘Ten Pin’ and yes you guessed it, a bowling centre. It was quite fun as it appeared to be our first time bowling for most of us. We walk into the glassy doors of the colonial bowling alley and are instantly overwhelmed with the oily aroma from the slick looking lanes. The sound of a thundering crash can be heard as the ball strikes the pins with a vicious blow. Seeing the variety of colourful balls lined up on the racks strikes interest in the students. As the ball is thrown and studied very carefully as it glides down the lane towards the intimidating white pins you become excited. Waiting for that intense conclusion of what will happen next. Watching the ball disappear in a white flurry explosion one can feel a sense of accomplishment.

You can tell yourself that it was a good day of bowling at Ten Pin and more of an accomplishment that just a day of bonding…


Bonding Day Year 7 (2014-15)

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Halloween 2014-15

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The late October wind was serene and tranquil as the bold orange sun faded into the seemingly empty autumn evening sky like a penumbra. Crisp shades of red, yellow, and orange from fallen leaves, formed a thin layer over the green lawns of the school. Immediately noticeable bolder colours emerge from the decorations of the compound, each with its own scheme of deep purple, gray, and orange and a corresponding theme of horror. It was Halloween!

All credits go to the parent association, student council (STUCO) and Mr. Giles who helped organized such a blood-Halloween1curdling menacing event. Unfortunately, it is apparently a very dumbstruck moment for all of us due to Mr. Giles’s departure after 5 years of outstanding service. On behalf of the yearbook team and Mr. Oh, we wish him all the best in his future undertakings.

Halloween2A mirage of white cobwebs covered in a few dozen fake spiders served as a veil for the magnificent structure of the school. The party was beginning and a sense of Halloween took over the crowd. The lights, speakers, and fog generators all sequentially turned on and thus begun a night of terror and recreation. The speakers were all cleverly hidden behind themed figures with crude attention to detail and trees. The party was one of great character and enthusiasm, everyone was insanely happy to be exactly where they were, enjoying a party in the best place possible.

As the party progressed, people started participating in games set up by student council members, watching horror movies and munching on some sickening, ghastly looking but delicious, mouth- watering delicacies served by the parent association. They were, after all, taking advantage of a place they would not see for another year when it would be decorated once again in dark colours. Just as the sky turned dark and the moon was at its full shine, the party was in for a terrifying surprise, the music reached its climax. The timing of the party could not have been better either, a perfect Halloween night where teenagers were all hanging out. This was a trick for the books he decided.


One of the most intense-scares of the night was the ghoul-busters… teachers were at last it was over, the large party that the friends had been invited too had ceased to an end. They decided it would be better to laugh about it than to hold a grudge at people who were able to laugh at their terror. The best Halloween party of their lives had ended with a bang.

Khaw Seng Pei 9I


Book Week

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As the Six Books Challenge kick started the new academic year with many students participating (and reading), along with the writing competition in conjunction with Georgetown Literacy Festival, Book Week was the third event with a general theme of English language, reading and writing.

Book Week started from Monday, 12th of January to the 17th .Students from Year 7 up to Year 10 did different activities during their English lessons. The Year 8 and 10 students led activities for the primary school students.

Competitions were also held along with different activities in class. They were the Creative Writing Competition; with the title of ‘Around the World’ and the Extreme Reading competition that requires entries of pictures of reading in strange places.

On a less competitive note, a little guessing game of most-liked books of the Tenby staff reveals lovely books that the staff adores. They include famous titles such as: Gone with the Wind, One Hundred Years of Solitude, A Walk to Remember and many more.

Last but not least, this event gave students and teachers a chance to express a readers’ love for their favourite book characters-dress up as the characters themselves! On Friday, we saw Waldo, Winnie the Pooh and other interesting characters going around the school campus.

The main objective of all the fun activities that was held was to promote reading, in hope that many more will enjoy it.

By Khoo Xin Hui 9S