All about 7I

All About 7I (2013-2014)

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‘ Good Morning.’ ‘Hey, did you watch the football yesterday?’ ‘ Yeah! It was…’ the usual buzz of noise starts more people arrive at our class. I look around and find that 7I, has yet again blocked the hallway. I sigh, but I smile, I shouldn’t be surprised, this is 7I after all.

7I is a class with 25 students. We used to have 24, but a girl from another class joined us recently. In our class, we have Chinese, Thai, Korean, Malay and some other people with different nationalities. There are more boys in this class than there are girls.

7I is usually a very loud and noisy class. During festivals or celebrations, we come up with the wackiest ideas, for example: during UN Day, our class had Korea as our theme country, and for our performance, we performed Gangnam Style. It was funny, seeing as one girl in our class performed in a Cheongsam.

The different personalities in 7I make it one of a kind, as the quiet ones make up for people who are loud. The smarter ones always help the slower ones. Some are better academically while some are better in sports. Some are just good in everything. This is 7I, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.