
Horizons Week – Bintan

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For the horizons week trip which was from 16th of June till 20rd of June, Mr. Yorain and Miss Yeeling were the teachers in charge of the trip. There was a total of 14 student that went on the trip which consisted of 6 boys and 8 girls.

On the first day we had to take a flight to Singapore then take a ferry to Bintan and finally a bus to the resort. We did not have any activities on the first day as we had spent most of the day traveling to Loola resort

On the second day,the first activity we did was community service which we helped with their water supply. After finishing with community service, we went for a swim in the ocean. We saw many coral and a few animals such as crabs and fish.

On the third day, We went for a hike in the mountains. Since it was raining on the morning before we went for the hike it made the ground on the mountain very slippery. A few student had difficulty hiking up the mountain because of that. After the long journey up and down the mountain we then had a nice walk back to the resort. In the evening, we went for boat expedition and flying fox. For the boat expedition, we had to jump of the boat and land in the sea. There were nets to keep us near the boat. There were two different heights for the students to jump from. After the boat expedition we went for the flying fox. Everyone went on the flying fox except one student as he (Xing Huong) was afraid of height.

On the fourth day, we had four activities. We started with the skywalk. This is when we climbed up a coconut tree and walk on a pole to the centre before we jumped off. Every student took part in this activity except for one student as she(Amanda) was afraid. One student even overcame his fear of heights and did the activity. After the skywalk we went for rock climbing. Many students had races to the top and Mr. Yorain was declared as “Spiderman” of the trip. After the rock climbing every student had to learn how to kayak and dragon boat. The student were very competitive and always tried to be first at everything. The guides made us sing, stand up and sit down while being in the dragon boat or kayak. The last activity of the trip was archery. We were split into two separate groups and we would try to shoot the board to earn scores for their group. The final score was… 0 to 0. It was a tie!

On the final day we left Loola resort at 7am and began our trip back to Penang. The trip was amazing and all the students had lots of fun and had also learnt something new. I feel like a trip like this has to be experienced by the person in order to get the full effect of the trip. The experience we had can’t be put down on a piece of paper.

Goh Xing Huong