Camaraderie in Sweat

Camaraderie in Sweat

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Football. It’s not just a sport- it’s a passion of ours! The girls’ football CCA is held every Thursday from 2:40 – 4:00p.m., by Miss Hannah. Mr Ben or Mr John takes over when she is not free. Despite the scorching afternoon heat, most of us still arrive at the Futsal Field on time, shiny with sunscreen. (In the first term, we used Soccer Experience for training.)

After the attendance is taken, Miss Hannah leads the warm-up, which usually consists of running laps around the field and stretching. After that come the drills- passing, shooting, defending and many, many others. Sometimes, a match or two is squeezed in just before the end, if we beg hard enough!
Sometimes, a few students from Year 8 come to help out, practise and even train us. We have fun matches, games, and of course, frequent water breaks! Football is definitely a team sport, thus enabling us to bond with our teammates while having fun simultaneously!
Most of the footballers are a fun, friendly lot, easy to get along and cooperate with. Jokes are cracked and laughter fills the pitch. After all, what’s football without a little fun?

In the second term, we often went for matches against Uplands, POWIIS, and Dalat. On the 22nd of March, Tenby sent two teams to Uplands and POWIIS respectively to participate in a football tournament. We were not very lucky, but learnt a lot from the experience. Win or lose, the experiences made us all stronger. Supporting our team members is far more important than the match outcome.

All in all, it has been yet another awesome year for us. We leave the pitch two shades darker but definitely ten times happier!

”During matches, we get that feeling that you have to do your best, you have to win no matter what. Doing so for your school, for your teammates, for our coach who’s screaming her lungs out from the sidelines and cheering madly even though it’s obvious we’re losing.” – A teammate

CCA Girls Football
CCA Girls Football