Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year 2015

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The date of Chinese New Year varies every year according to the Chinese lunar calendar but it will always fall somewhere between the 21st January and the 20th February. IN 2015, Chinese New Year is on the 19th February and marks the beginning of the Year of goat. Tenby School Penang teachers helped students and staff ring in the Year of the Goat with many Chinese cultural activities. On Feb. 19, the cafeteria served a special menu for the Chinese New Year and students had the pleasure of sampling the fare.

The decorations used on doors and windows are red-colored paper-cuts (made similar to the way we make snowflakes). The themes of these paper-cuts are of happiness, good fortune, longevity and wealth. THE STAGE WAS WELL-SET WITH THE AUDIENCE PUMPED UP WITH ZEST. The colour red was used as a symbol of good luck… it was wrapped around the pillars in a gentle crisp, yellow carpet the stage, the banners and the glittering. At the very epicentre of it lay several spear-headed pillars for the stunts to be performed by the lion dance.

The assembly began with a very repulsed ‘crash’ by the lion dance crew. They did all sorts of stunts, staggering across the floor, twisting around, dodging pillars and manoeuvring through the school campus, lurking in the bushes and trampling tangerines. The audience were left bewildered and speechless, contemplating the fast-pace, action-packed depiction of a lion doing terrific stunts. Some were even left captivated beyond words. The rhythm smouldering the air with its loud ‘boom’ and double strokes on the drums with staccato melodic poised.

This year Children participated in a handful of activities such as melancholic choir, nostalgic poem recital, apologetic pantomime and graceful dances. The best part of the New Year was that the students did not wear their regular uniforms to school. Instead, they put on colourful, traditional dresses. They were treated with sweets. The whole assembly was organised and carried out by students and teacher. Jovial thanks to all.

Thanks to the teachers for organizing the activities. The excitement and enjoyment of the students made every teacher of the wing glorify. Lessons were back to normal and the second half of the day.