
Year 10 (The Inside Story)

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This year’s year 10s in 10T, 10I and 10S have as form tutors Mr Tim, Ms Madhuri/Mr Adam and Ms Thamarai… massive thank you to them for enduring our mischief.  🙂

Our year consists of about 75 students from places all around the world such as the UK, Korea, Holland, China and of course, Malaysia. However, our cultural differences do not prevent us from being the tight-knit family we are.

What’s so unique about our year is that we have so many people of different characters. There are many, many friendship groups in our year, with people moving from one group to another every now and then but as a whole, we are an extremely charismatic family.   🙂

Another reason why we are a cut above the rest, is because of the delightful romantic drama that occurs time and again. From getting staff involved for a surprise present to ordering large bouquets of flowers for Valentine’s day to plotting a surprise with the friends of the crush…Our year is certainly very good at romantic gestures!

It is a unanimous confession that our year has an insane lot of drama within it, ranging from alleyway fights to online feuds, but so does every other family. As Eldridge Cleaver pointed out, “too much agreement kills a chat”. It makes us who we are, and in the end, everyone always reconciles and gets along.

I went around the year and asked random people the following questions, here were their responses:

  1. Describe our year group in one word?

    “Crazy”- Mabel Chua
    “Intelligent”- Mr Ben
    “Family”- Feung Fa
    “Noisy”- Wan Cin   🙂

  1. Name a special event that happened to our year group?

    “The Bintan Geography field trip!”- Isaac
    “Exams and intense coursework”- Anonymous
    “World Scholar’s Cup!”- Mr Daniel (A majority of the students who partook in it were from our year)

  1. What makes our year group so special, as compared to the other years?

    “Unable to take instructions”- Ms Radha
    “Your age…you are the only year group that still has 90s kids now!”-Mr Ben (This was after the Year11 graduation ceremony)

I am incredibly blessed to be surrounded by this batch of incredible people and cannot wait to spend my final secondary school year with them.

Article written by: Stefany Soh

Edited by: Wayne Yee

Y9 French Mastering the Art of French Cooking

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