
Cricket Mini World Cup At Tenby

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Cricket MiniWC2

Cricket is a popular game in our school. Many students play it whilst others enjoy seeing it. Our teachers are great cricket enthusiast. This year, Tenby held its inaugural and accomplished mini-cricket-world-cup in the sports hall. We took on parodies of national cricket team that actually played in the world cup. These countries’ included, England, India, New Zealand, Australia, Pakistan and etc. The tensions between these feuding neighbours failed to materialise after Australia won a faltering match to take their place as the finalist. I have to admit that I’m pretty glad to have participated in such an assiduous and renowned game.


Over the course of the week, teams were chasing the bowl in an attempt to rise as glorious victors of Tenby Cricket World Cup.  Teams proved their competitiveness and perseverance in sports but yet most of their efforts were thwarted and proved futile. Australia was portrayed as the one having all its star players and therefore was more hell-bent for victory than any other teams at Tenby due to the fact that their reputations were at stake.

As I walked out onto the field, the whole crowd erupted into cheers. It was the perfect day to go out and bat… as the competition commenced, I strode out further into the ground, the cheering from the spectators grew even more feral in nature. We were up against a very indefatigable and pugnacious team. They took their sweet time to ball which added on to the tensions and prodding of our emotions. Precious time was being lost, time which could be used productively.

Cricket MiniWC3My partner, who was younger than me took the strike at the end of the maiden over. Runs started coming onto the board soon after he started batting. His bat just kept flowing like waves hitting the seashore. An hour I got fifty runs, thanks to the confidence I got from my partner and partly due to the fear of getting removed from the first team due to a lack of performance. My spirits lifted and I started smiling to the crowd, who were noisily applauding me for my late success. The fielders were running scatterbrained all over the field wondering if it was possible to stop the ball from crossing the boundary at all, a thin line which separated success and temporary failure for the batsmen. We were startng to get the hang of it.

Cricket MiniWC1After three matches in a row and a smooth flow of victory, came out nemesis… the Australian team. They were indeed the pioneers of cricket. Their success was seemingly foretold by many students. The batting begin again … it did not start of well. The bowler just stood in his place and took the catch as the ball fell into his well-manicured hands. I just stood there, contemplating the actions that had taken place a few moments ago. Batsmen after batsmen were removed from the game one after another. The Australian team had a trick up their sleeves… each time they toss a ball, it performed a well-maneuvered curved which eluded and aura of disillusioned. This caused out batsmen to look like half-witted pack of chimpanzees swinging out bats in the air. Obviously, we lost that one very match and toppled out scores all the way to second place.

Overall, it was a fun game. We learnt quite a lot and all should be credited to our steadfast coach Mr. Baz and all those they played and supported including the PE department.

Khaw Seng Pei 9I



Teacher-Student Cricket Match

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Tenby International School (TISS) commenced with the friendly-cricket match between teachers and students on April 3. The game was executed utterly at the Sports Hall. Although, the game was epic, unpredictable and volatile at point of times, it was proven as a worthy proficiency that both skills and perseverance shall not be forgotten.


The weather was clement and beyond satisfactory. However, it never did matter as the game was held in the sports hall. It was an unspoiled afternoon. There were several teams there, each made up of 5 students and 1 teacher. The captain was a jolly fellow (teacher of course). The captain on the other side gave us a hearty reception led by our bestowed, keen and steadfast coach, Mr. Baz. Fortunately for me, it was the sheer stroke of luck that I was placed in energetic and vigorous team led by our esteem captain Mr. John. It was honor to be in such team. He led our team to the field.

There, the other team umpire, Karthik was waiting for us. A large crowd of students and onlookers had already assembled there to see the match. The toss was won by us and our captain elected to ball first. Overall, I have to say that we played extremely well and displayed an array of determination and agility towards and opponent that we encounter. We treated all of our opponents as significant impediments to our success. As a result of that, we toppled all other teams and arisen as a legend of Tenby. We had made it to the pinnacle as winners. Well, obviously, for the sake of impartial sportsmanship we had to make in clear that all teams still did well but as usual it is in the deep fabric of human nature that there can only be one winner for eternity. This was our moment. Overall, everyone did show a high level of understanding and self-esteem.

The scores were very close and therefore emotional to anyone who had a soul on the losing side would say, what a pity… We were invariably ‘’spineless’ unless our opponent had just won by a few more runs compared to us and would be more of an epic encounter. However, as the old saying, every cloud has a silver lining… Although, they lost with broken hearts, our desire and passion for cricket had never left us. It was a wonderful savoir-faire to play with our highly skill competitors especially Mr. Baz’s team. We never expected to win. We still had learned a seemingly unforgettable occurrence. This match was not just a match but also a motivation.

Spectacular Event of the Day…

The batting began. Our captain, the teacher and his best player went to open the first innings. The captain hit the ball with a hard stroke. The ball flew in the air. It soon crossed the boundary. We shout “Hurrah” “What a fine hit”. He played and played… As time flew we became restless, our eagerness to win was in fact very immense. He sent the ball beyond the boundary several times. At the end of the first match, we managed to topple our opponent score by a total of +6 points. At last he was caught. He scored quite a few runs. The opponents were glad at his downfall. Presently the second batsman entered the field.

At that instant, the game was getting more exciting and thrilling. He began to bat firmly and swiftly. He hit the ball with great force. He took three wickets in one over. Pair after pair went to bat. Our team was out for a satisfactory number of runs. Subsequently, the results were clearly shown that we were trailing behind our competitors and ended up an inch away from victory and that our supporters were fanatical. The teachers breathless, just watching how skillful our fine young athletics reign with terror on the fields. Teachers also did well, too well in fact… They basically got most of the students out and scored the most runs. They should the most unmatched mutiny ever and still gain respect from all students. Maybe that what the proverb, ‘Education is the mother of leadership’ meant. Masters are masters for eternity, they were not born but made and what you learn today will always be stay with you. They are indeed true cricket prodigies!


Although the event was successful, some suggestions arose which should be kept in mind for any future, similar activities. One of the key recommendations is:

– It is important that an exact and precise strategy is made before the game and sometimes improvisation. This can increase our chance for winning during future matches.

– Concentrate more on the balling part as that is the part where we can lower our opponents score.

Done by: Khaw, Seng Pei Year 8   




Report on Cricket Match vs Singapore School

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On the 28 November 2013, Tuesday a cricket team from Tenby school coached by our passionate, candid, reliable and wise trainer, Mr Baz were sent to play a friendly cricket match at Penang free school where we were up against a highly skilled team from Singapore. Our experience and talented coach, Mr Baz took us there as the field was much larger as compared to ours.


At the school cricket ground, we were amazed by the enormous size. Without wasting any more time, we started to do some warm ups before the long and tough game. Later (just before the match), we were given a motivational speech to keep our confidence high.

We then got into our gear such as the helmet, gloves, knee pads and ball guards which were of eminent quality.  Although the sun was blazing above the large field, we tried our best and did not show signs of lamentation as we were all determined to play the game well.

As we got ready, a handful of fanatical spectators were cheering for us from a distance. There were around 13 of us in the team that were at the match. All of us were as determined as a cat pursing a mouse under a sewer cover. We tried to score as many runs as possible and had high hopes in each other. We cheered and encouraged our teammates to do their utmost best.

Our coach continued to give us much motivation and confidence to play the match. None of us showed signs of apatheticness even though we didn’t have much of a headstart. The game didn’t end the way we expected it to be but we were all contented with our lost and showed good sportsmanship by thanking them for sharing their valuable cricket skills with us. We were all ‘as tired as a fat kid after 45 push ups and 2 rounds in the ring with a chicken but happier than a child in a toy store’.

Our coach came to tell us how well we played and how proud he was of us. Even though we were an inch away from victory, we learned an important lesson, ‘experience and lost is the key to every success in a match’. This was our first formal cricket match against another team and was quite scrupulous to have been able to experience such great joy, friendship, and happiness.

Just a fruit for thought, a quote that I once knew,’ the struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow’.


I personally have some meaningful recommendations thus will benefit our cricket team. For instance, we made a suggestion to have a proper cricket uniform to play cricket, try to hold cricket events indoors as they are more comfortable, organize workshops to give us some motivational speech.

By: Khaw Seng Xun          Class: 8T