
Football Competition

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Camaraderie in Sweat

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Football. It’s not just a sport- it’s a passion of ours! The girls’ football CCA is held every Thursday from 2:40 – 4:00p.m., by Miss Hannah. Mr Ben or Mr John takes over when she is not free. Despite the scorching afternoon heat, most of us still arrive at the Futsal Field on time, shiny with sunscreen. (In the first term, we used Soccer Experience for training.)

After the attendance is taken, Miss Hannah leads the warm-up, which usually consists of running laps around the field and stretching. After that come the drills- passing, shooting, defending and many, many others. Sometimes, a match or two is squeezed in just before the end, if we beg hard enough!
Sometimes, a few students from Year 8 come to help out, practise and even train us. We have fun matches, games, and of course, frequent water breaks! Football is definitely a team sport, thus enabling us to bond with our teammates while having fun simultaneously!
Most of the footballers are a fun, friendly lot, easy to get along and cooperate with. Jokes are cracked and laughter fills the pitch. After all, what’s football without a little fun?

In the second term, we often went for matches against Uplands, POWIIS, and Dalat. On the 22nd of March, Tenby sent two teams to Uplands and POWIIS respectively to participate in a football tournament. We were not very lucky, but learnt a lot from the experience. Win or lose, the experiences made us all stronger. Supporting our team members is far more important than the match outcome.

All in all, it has been yet another awesome year for us. We leave the pitch two shades darker but definitely ten times happier!

”During matches, we get that feeling that you have to do your best, you have to win no matter what. Doing so for your school, for your teammates, for our coach who’s screaming her lungs out from the sidelines and cheering madly even though it’s obvious we’re losing.” – A teammate

CCA Girls Football
CCA Girls Football

Under 13 Football Tournament at POWIIS

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24 March 2014

Last Saturday, Tenby U13 boys and girls had a tournament at POWIIS among the other international schools. POWIIS was the host for the tournament.

First of all, all U13 boys and girls football team had to be at Tenby School at 6:30am. All together there were 10 boys and 10 girls. After all of us were assembled at Tenby at 6:30am, we left Tenby at 6:45am using a coach. After for about 1 hour, we reached at Prince Of Wales about 7:50am and went straight to the football field. Coach John asked us to do some warm ups because we were going to play the first match against Dalat International School. It was a really tiring morning for some U13 players because some of the U13 boys players had just played in the MSSPP for Tenby on Friday, the day before. However, they showed no sign of laziness and warmed up just like Coach John asked them to.

After warming up for a few minutes, Coach John asked us to assemble to see that who is going to play the first match against Dalat. Only 7 players are allowed to play in a match, the rest had to be the substitution. After deciding  who was gonna play the first match, it was time for us to play our first match against Dalat. We played tremendously well and grabbed a 2-0 victory against Dalat. It was a tough match but we played really well.

On the other hand, while we were celebrating our 2-0 victory, Uplands International School snatched away a 7-0 victory against POWIIS.

The next match was going to be against POWIIS. So 20 minutes after the match against Dalat ended, we did a little warm up to prepare for POWIIS. After about 10 minutes of warming up, the referee said that it was time to play our second match, so Coach John assembled us and made a few changes from the team of the first match and we started the match. It was a really challenging match as it was sunny and hot but we managed to get a 3-1 victory over POWIIS.

After the match ended, most players were almost out of energy but they showed no sign of quitting and drank plenty of water and had as much rest as they could. Alternatively, Dalat managed to hold a 1-1 draw against Uplands.

The next match we will have would be the hardest match in this tournament as we are going against our greatest rivals Uplands International School. They have a really good football team as we played them in the past and lost to them badly. So after the match against POWIIS, we rested for a few minutes then Coach John asked us to warm up as we are going to face Uplands in 10 minutes. After a few minutes of warming up, the match was gonna start in 2 minutes so Coach John picked the first 7 who was going to start the match and they kicked off. It was the hardest match in the whole competition, but we showed no fear and tried our best to represent Tenby.

Unfortunately, Uplands grabbed a 3-0 victory against us. Just when we thought that it was the over, the referee said that we will be playing against Uplands again for the “FINALS” since Uplands and Tenby qualified in the final as Uplands was first place in the tournament table and Tenby with just one point behind Uplands was second place in the tournament table. The match was going to start in 15 minutes said the referee. We drank as much water as we can and rested as much as we can. This was gonna be a really important match since this is the “FINALS”. When there was 10 minutes left, we warmed up and stretched for the big and final match. After 10 minutes has passed, the referee called both teams to start the match. Coach John had picked the best 7 players in the team to play in the last and final match of the day. Then the referee blew the whistle and the match started. At the end of the match, with all the players on the pitch out of energy and trying to catch their breath, it was a difficult challenging match that challenged all the players on the pitch. It was really not easy to judge that match and it was a tiring match, unfortunately with the result so close to a draw, Tenby had lost just by 1-0 and Uplands had won the trophy for getting first place in the tournament table with Tenby being the runner up on second place.

It was a really tiring day as the bus only left POWIIS at 2:55pm and we had to thank Mr John for coaching us and spending his weekend for us. We were all so proud to represent Tenby International School in the football tournament.

Akmal 7T

U15 Boys Football Team

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Report 1

On the 18th March 2014, we had a intense game against Westland’s School in the MSSPP football competition. As we had no subs, we struggled our way through the match with the same starting 11. We lost the game, 2-4, however there were some great highlights for Tenby; A couple of great long shots, by Koya in year 10 and Eugene in year 11 got us two goals back. Aditya got injured during the first half, however the team pressured the opposition well despite his absence from the pitch, but when we came back on in the second half, Adi defended like a beast, he became a man (“he went from a boy to a man”, according to the coach), the defenders should deserve a pat on the back especially Ian for keeping the ball out of the goal on one occasion. And also the midfielders, for giving the oppurtunities for the goals. The match was great even though we lost, this was a great start for our MSSPP Competition as we learnt a lot from our performance. We have another match this Friday so hopefully we can go one better and win.

Koya Y10

Report 2

Today, 20th March 2014, we had a seemingly never ending game against SMK Tanjung Bungah in the MSSPP Competition. The game lasted 70 minutes, 35 minutes each half. The first half saw us go one down despite great chances by Koya, Logan, and Hafiz(y7). We had a few other shots that hit the post by some of our team mates. The first half was very tiring due to the heat and pace the game was played at

In the second half, we got very tired and sloppy in our play and started losing quite badly. From being 1-0 down to 6-0 was quite shameful, however the boys did not give up. We again had a few chances however they were too good for us on the day. On the other hand, the referee seemed to be biased towards the other team, but we rose above it and held our heads up high despite this. The boys did a great job under the circumstances, pats on the backs all-round!

Koya Y10