Ms Hannah

New Teacher – Ms Hannah

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Our school welcomed quite a number of new teachers this year, including Mr Duncan Russell, Ms Paula Russell and many others. Two members of the Yearbook team (Stefany and Victoria Soh) caught up with some of the new teachers for brief interviews.

The first was Ms Hannah Riley (Geography teacher)MsHannahIntvw2

Q: What was your favourite subject in school?

A: Oh, Geography, always Geography. I did really like History too- it was my second favourite.

Q: Which subjects did you not like?

A: I wouldn’t say I didn’t like any subjects, but I found some a bit harder.  I ‘m good at cooking but I‘m not very good at making things, sawing and drilling.  I found Mathematics and Technology quite difficult.

Q:  What was your favourite childhood memory?

A: I remember getting a bike for Christmas one year. My grandfather made a treasure hunt for my twin sister and I to find it.

Q: Wow! You have a twin?

A: Yes! Her name is Sarah, and we are almost identical. She has blonde, straight hair and is a bit taller, though. We were, and still are quite close.

Q: Have you ever been sent to the principal’s office?

A: Yes! When I was about 4 years old, there were some girls talking in the quiet area of the classroom, and I told them to be quiet. As a result, I got sent to the principal’s office!  (laughs)

(How did you ask the girls to be quiet?)

Q: Where are you from?

A: I’m from a place called Sheffield. I’ve lived there for most of my life. I graduated with               a BSC in Geography from the University of Sheffield.

Q: What do you like about Malaysia?

A: The weather, the culture…… the food! I like the Roti, curries, the meat… I like them all, really!

Q: How do you get to school?

A: Oh my goodness, on the back of a motorbike! I don’t like it, it’s scary! I’m going to get a car soon.

Q: Who is your favourite author?

A: A man named Wilbur Smith, and also J.K. Rowling. I love Harry Potter! I’ve read all the books and watched all the movies in the series!

Q: What are you afraid of?

A: Spiders. I don’t like spiders! (Just like Ron in Harry Potter)

Q: Describe your best friend.

A: My best friend is my sister! She is very friendly, thoughtful and generally nice.

Q: If you were to be a superhero, what would be your character and secret identity?

A: Hmm, I don’t know. Maybe I’d like to be Superman, and help people in geographical disasters!

Some of the less important questions have been left out to keep from making you feel bored. We hope you’ve enjoyed this interview! – The Yearbook team 2013-14