Cricket MSSPP 2015 – Tenby And Some Other Malaysian Schools

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Tenby International School (TISS) commenced with the 2nd ANNUAL MSSP match between schools. The game was executed utterly at the Penang Free School was one indeed an epic and volatile competition that resemble a skirmish. It was proven as a worthy proficiency that shall not be forgotten.

The weather was clement and beyond satisfactory. It was an unspoiled afternoon. We caught a bus bound for Penang Free School. The captain was a jolly fellow. The captain on the other side gave us a hearty reception led by our bestowed, keen anad steadfast coach, Mr. Baz.

The batting began. Our captain and his best player, went to open the first innings. The captain hit the ball with a hard stroke. The ball flew in the air. It soon crossed the boundary. We shout “Hurrah” “What a fine hit”.

He played and played… As time flew we became restless, our eagerness to win was in fact very high. He sent the ball beyond the boundary several times. At last he was caught. He scored quite a few runs. The opponents were glad at his downfall. Presently the second batsman, Ananth Archarya entered the field. Now the game was getting more exciting and thrilling. He began to bat firmly and swiftly. He hit the ball with great force. He took three wickets in one over. Pair after pair went to bat. (Jasdyl, Alekya, me, shim, Sameer, Daniel all made out mark smashing balls in all directions eluding a baffling aura across the fields)  Our team was out for a satisfactory number of runs. Subsequently, the results were clearly shown that our efforts were fanatical.

Nevertheless, some of the most arousing and thrilling moments comprised of the Raja Udang School in which they petition to ball first. They were so agile and steadfast, so reckless and faithful to their team but unfortunately not enough to thwart Tenby’s forehand batting techniques that were simply way too formidable. Gliding across the field, with such insanity… gosh, they were so aggressive! This was the game that inspired creativity to many people on and off the pitch. Overall, it was an insane game… the ball was flying everywhere, the players were hindering and cramped together, taciturn eyes locked on the ball. It was a pretty fast game and also a tough one.

We were basically invariably ‘’spineless’… no opponent could have rejuvenated over our victory. We scored a total of 170 runs and only 6 wickets. We had learned a seemingly unforgettable occurrence. This match was not just a throw- and- catch- thing but also a motivation that if we put our petty differences aside and work as a team, we may actually move up the ranks quite easily.

Last but not least, we were making great progress taking advantage on the ‘easy opponents’ balling skills’ sweeping their way to the quarter-finals but fell short earning themselves a bronze. So much for cricket… none of us made it. But still, it was a great experience which I would not forsake next year.

U15 Boys Football Team

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Report 1

On the 18th March 2014, we had a intense game against Westland’s School in the MSSPP football competition. As we had no subs, we struggled our way through the match with the same starting 11. We lost the game, 2-4, however there were some great highlights for Tenby; A couple of great long shots, by Koya in year 10 and Eugene in year 11 got us two goals back. Aditya got injured during the first half, however the team pressured the opposition well despite his absence from the pitch, but when we came back on in the second half, Adi defended like a beast, he became a man (“he went from a boy to a man”, according to the coach), the defenders should deserve a pat on the back especially Ian for keeping the ball out of the goal on one occasion. And also the midfielders, for giving the oppurtunities for the goals. The match was great even though we lost, this was a great start for our MSSPP Competition as we learnt a lot from our performance. We have another match this Friday so hopefully we can go one better and win.

Koya Y10

Report 2

Today, 20th March 2014, we had a seemingly never ending game against SMK Tanjung Bungah in the MSSPP Competition. The game lasted 70 minutes, 35 minutes each half. The first half saw us go one down despite great chances by Koya, Logan, and Hafiz(y7). We had a few other shots that hit the post by some of our team mates. The first half was very tiring due to the heat and pace the game was played at

In the second half, we got very tired and sloppy in our play and started losing quite badly. From being 1-0 down to 6-0 was quite shameful, however the boys did not give up. We again had a few chances however they were too good for us on the day. On the other hand, the referee seemed to be biased towards the other team, but we rose above it and held our heads up high despite this. The boys did a great job under the circumstances, pats on the backs all-round!

Koya Y10