Pop Band

Pop Band CCA

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If you pass by the Music room , I bet you would either hear the drums , the electric guitar, bass or keyboard playing every single Monday. I am about to tell you the reason. That’s because the pop band CCA is being held in the music room every Monday. There is only 1 band in the CCA. And the name of the band is , drumroll please …………… Lock! The band members in this band are , Amanda the singer , Vishal the electric guitarist , Isaac the acoustic guitarist , Rui Chi the bass guitarist , Amber the pianist and last of all Henry the drummer.

Songs played

The songs played so far are ‘Boulevard of broken dreams’ by Green Day. And ‘ Right Now’ by AKON. Both songs are really good songs, and what I mean by really good songs, is that they can play exactly like them. No joke !

Rock Concert 2014 performance

The Rock Concert 2014 was an experience being on stage for most of them. For Henry , Amber and Amanda, it was their first time on stage. When it was their que, they walked up and pick up their instruments . The guitarists were busy with their amplifiers . A few minutes later, The band started . A number of the aundience knew the song , so as the song started everybody started cheering. The drummer went a little bit off beat but the song went on smoothly, trying to not make mistakes obvious. Amanda the singer sang her heart out , but it was not really loud . After the performance , we told each other that the performance was ot bad ad some of the band members aren’t used to get on stage. They did their best and the rehearsals were really worth it. With support from Mr. Nick and their coach Mr. Michael , the band members did not feel too frightened on stage . Since that was the band’s first performance they kept on working hard on this new song.

Getting ready for upcoming performances

After the Rock Concert performance, the band is now working on a new song called ‘ Right Now’ by AKON. This song is a groovy song . The band is fine with the new song their coach picked for them. On their first practice of this new song , they were not bad. In fact , they are all very fast learnes! The song fitted every role of the band members. There were enough instruments , enough people and most of all enough time ! They have just finished the first part of the song . Let me give you a clue, they might be performing for the upcoming Halloween Night , which is held yearly. They have seen a couple of versions of this song , but to me, their version is still the best . “ Although we did not perform that well during Rock Concert, that does not mean that we want to give up and stop performing. It was an experience of being up stage performing for the audience,” Rui Chi said .  “ I would love to perform again with my band on stage on the upcoming performances.” Amanda added.

“ They did pretty well on that day , but I know that they can do even better than that, “ Mr Nick said right after the performance. The band members are now focusing on every small part to make sure it is perfect and that they are ready for upcoming performances or reheasals. Let me give you a tip , if you want to form your own band, they are the best people to choose from. I bet that on any performance , that band will be the best band in the Tenby history!

Written by : Oh Rui Chi  7S