Sweets Day

Sweets Day…

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On April 14, 2014, there was a very special event. It was the “Sweets Day” celebration in conjunction with Tamil New Year. But the thing that made this event so special was the fact that it was fully organised by the national school, STSS and STPS. All the performances were also arranged by the national school students. There were dances and songs which entertained the crowds. It was also a pleasure to see many people, students and teachers, dressed up in Indian traditional clothes. There were activities such as pot breaking in which Ms.. Thum, the Head of Sri Tenby Secondary Schools, tugging and releasing a line which was looped around a pulley and tied to a pot in efforts to prevent Mr Greg, the Director of Tenby Schools Penang, from breaking it. However, her efforts were in vein as Mr Greg smashed that pot in barely 2 tries. Sweets were scattered all about on the floor and the heads of schools were asked to toss the candy to the students. Everyone enjoyed it, especially the primary school students who shouted with joy every time the sweets were thrown. It was a very successful event, but it would not have been possible without all the hard work put in by the STSS students, especially the Form 2’s.

Three weeks prior to the main event, the Form 2 students set up a booth for Sweets Day. They collected hundreds of orders for sweets from all four schools. There were always long lines at the booth, everyone wanted to place in their own custom requests. Since there were only 13 Form 2 students, it was always a hassle, and most of them had to sacrifice their lunch/breaks just to keep the stall open. After that one week, things only became harder. Each and every single order had to be analysed and categorized according to school and class, with the help of teachers and students from other STSS classes. Some students even had to come on Saturdays to help out in a battle against the clock. After packaging, there was delivery. The 14th of April was the day, after the early morning events everybody rushed to sort out the packages and delivered each and every one of them to their corresponding receiver. It was not an easy job but they managed to complete it.

From this event, many students not only learned about Tamil New Year, and certain traditions such as mango leaf tying (Thoranam) and white rice patterns on the floor (Kolam), but also about responsibility and teamwork. They experienced managing a “shop”, talking to customers and what goes on behind the scenes which will surely come in useful in the future for them. Until then, we will wait for more upcoming events!
