
I Love To Run

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Our new music teacher, Mr Rob, loves to run and has been running around Penang ever since he joined the Tenby Penang family. Find out what he thinks about his experience in Penang so far, and say hi to him if you happen to meet him on one of his runs!

Celebrity Lookalike

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Is that …
Mr Greg … or is it Lt Jim Gordon (SWAT)


Is that …
Mr Daniel … or is it Jesse Tyler (Modern Family)


Is that …
Miss Hannah … or is it Professor Trelawney (Harry Potter)


Is that …
Mr Nick … or is it Professor Snape (Harry Potter!)


Is that …
Mr Nick…… or is it Robert Carlyle


by Lau Wayne Yee, 8S

Kiss The Fish Charity Challenge!

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My sister, Stefany Soh and I are currently in the 1% Club CCA, which is a charity CCA. We decided to do something for the Cerebral Palsy Children’s Centre in Penang. After debating and discussing for days, we finally decided to hold a series of joke challenges in school for a few weeks, the first of which being the Kiss the Fish challenge.

In this challenge, the top 5 nominees have to kiss a real, cleaned fish! Ours was George, the Red Snapper.

Students and teachers from both STSS and TISS were encouraged to nominate anyone in school during break times (student or staff) to take the challenge. To nominate, donations of any amount are required. The top 5 nominees with the largest amount of money collected for them to do the challenge have to either do it, or pay the exact amount collected for them.

For this week’s challenge, after days of nominating and donating, our top 5 were Hounnesh from Year 9, Wei Vian from Year 9, Miss Christine, Dickson from Year 10 and Ian from Year 10. The challenge took place in the atrium, during lunchtime on Friday.

The following weeks’ challenges have yet to be confirmed. Regardless of the type of challenge, we hope that people will continue to give their encouragement and support for this program!

By: Victoria Soh (9S)

Staff Bowling Social

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Staff from the national and international secondary schools took part in a bowling social in Georgetown in May.

For some, it was the first time they had ever tried bowling, whilst others were already pretty expert. It was a great opportunity for staff across the two schools to mingle and socialise, as well as practise their bowling skills.

Thanks to the social committee for organising this event, which was really well attended and enjoyed by all.