Tenby’s Got Talent 2014 Report

Tenby’s Got Talent 2014 Report

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Tenby's Got Talent 1Tenby’s Got Talent is a reality life show held annually where students show off their talents beyond their every day school life. Participating in a school talent show is a great way to show off a particular talent in front of your friends and the school audience. Everyone is good at
something, so don’t be afraid to try out! Singing well or playing an instrument in a talent show is a great way to put your skills to use. Remember that talents come in many forms, so feel confident in yourself, and at least try out. There’s always a chance you might even come in first!

This year Tenby’s Talent Show was a huge turn out! We had lots of talent including rock bands, choir, solo performance and etc. My favourite was the final performance by the rock band entitled ‘The Outlanders’. It was an epic performance. I thought that they were very creative and very good. They made no mistakes, no off beats and were consistent with their timing and contrast.

Tenby's Got Talent 2

Drums were going off like a thousand jack drills at once, the piano was playing its latest cell phone ring tone, the microphones were singing their heart out and the audience were cheering like nobody’s business. It was so lively and packed with people. State of the art technology lightings were set up.

A total of 16 acts entered this year’s performance and which is twice the number of acts compared to last year. All provided the audience with a rich, varied and highly entertaining programme of spectacular events. There were several powerful solo performances, group acts and creative dances.

Tenby's Got Talent 3On closing remarks, judges, Mr. Sophie, Mr. Daniel and Mr. Ben commended all of the
contestants on their resilience: ‘We cannot underestimate the confidence it takes to perform live in front of such a large audience. I know many of the pupils have been practising for a long time. I am very impressed by the quality of their performances and the tremendous support they have received from the audience. They are all winners! And that they all deserved a round of applause. (These were roughly what they said…’)
Our congratulations however go to The Outlanders and the Kaiser’s big stick by the Year 9 and Year 10 respectively, who won overall this year with their performance of their own rock band. They were also other winners with their incredible solo and band performances.

Khaw, Seng Pei       8T