UOB Bank

UOB Bank Visit

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On Feb 20, 2014, a group of 6 year 12 students taking Economics together with Ms Cindy, subject teacher and Ms Hannah, Humanities faculty head travelled in 2 cars visited UOB Bank, Kelawei Road. The journey started at 10.00am and we arrived around 11am.

We were welcomed by the UOB Bank staff and brought us to the guest room on ground floor. Mr Edmund, the assistant Vice President of treasury services and Ms Teoh, Vice President of service and operation manager gave us a simple briefing on the currency exchange, abenomics, banking policy and development in banking industry and international trade.

The discussion was a great help for students to understand further to prepare their report on international trade and macroeconomics.

This followed by a walk to see the ATM machine and the operation.

The visit ended at 1pm and we were back to school before 2pm. It was a great success with UOB Bank staffs support and assistance.